Caritas Roma (Italy)

Probably just a few know that Caritas Rome has 52 centers, supporting people in need in Rome area and present throughout the territory of the largest municipality in Italy, for a total of 25,000 square meters.

My mandate, as head of General Services, is to keep these assets efficient by spending as little as possible, because every euro we save is a euro that we can allocate to our “guests”.

The structure at my disposal is naturally very limited: 1 assistant, 1 plumber, 1 bricklayer, 1 electrician, 1 IT technician, 1 systems engineer; I therefore needed a versatile and powerful IT tool that would allow me an efficient management of the few resources and that would give evidence to the direction of the efforts made for the good running of each center.

On February 26th, 2014, I attended an openMAINT presentation and it was love at first sight...

It took me 5 long years to convince the management of the advantages we would have by bringing the management of real estate assets to openMAINT, and finally, after the product customization phase, from ticketing via the Self-Service Portal, to the management of IT assets, to the recording of the readings of the utilities, in March 2019 the application for the first pilot center went into production.

Today I am writing to you on the eve of the entry into production of the last batch of the 52 centers. We are still refining some critical aspects, but we count, with the support of Tecnoteca, to solve everything and go into full production very shortly.

Thanks to all the Tecnoteca team, which in recent years has borne and supported helping us, even economically, to achieve this result.

                                                                                                          Fulvio Ferrari